Mission Statement
Our primary mission is to provide quality informed compliance audits to global trade and compliance professionals that will define and elevate their ability to meet the ever-changing challenges of global supply chain trade compliance and facilitation for their represented organizations and themselves.
About us
We are global trade compliance and trade facilitation to provide industry professionals, companies and industries to meet the regulatory requirements of informed compliance and complement their responsibilities as trade compliance and supply chain professionals regarding Forced Labor Issues.
We provide options to meet the need for cost effective, current and information of audit packed transfer of knowledge to facilitate all FLL requirements as set forth by the United States and International Countries.
As international trade professional practitioners, our team industry experts that provide a resource option to corporate training regulatory requirements to meet Reasonable Care standards enforced by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, BIS, USDA, FDA, Industry Partnership Group, AEO, The World Trade Organization and several other foreign governmental bodies around the globe with a focus on trade regulations.
We instruct on a wide array of topics such as Forced Labor Violations, INCO- international commercial terms best options, global compliance management, social compliance management, demonstration of global supply chain security threat protection against terrorist actions, customs compliance, FDA import regulatory training and awareness, US export compliance management financial controls and supervision, related party transactions, revenue recognition and much more.
We are proud in our service of providing the highest level of international trade and compliance.
We are simply the best in the business and invite you to contact us.